Donating At Funeral Services
If you are a funeral director and would like to make donating safer, quicker and easier at your funeral services, PayaCharity provides Contactless Donation devices along with a unique Management Portal with features that allow for the simple changeover of charities.
With the rapid decline in cash use and Covid-19 limiting social gatherings, contactless donation boxes allow donors who don’t carry cash to donate to a loved one’s favourite cause whilst maintaining social distancing during a memorial.
Together with Charities Trust, we are offering an inclusive service that allows you to offer a collection of contactless donations on the behalf of over 15,000 charities, including most major UK charities.
One way to celebrate the life of a loved one is to ask family and friends to make a donation at their funeral service.
In Memoriam donations managed by funeral directors is circa £100 million per year and growing. Often people choose to make a donation in lieu of flowers.
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Contactless Donation Boxes
Browse our range of contactless donation devices.

If you would like to find out more about how contactless donations could boost your charity’s fundraising strategy
Email today
All major payment methods supported